Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Botswana Travels

Well, I don't know if anyone still reads this thing, but I just wanted everyone to know that I'm going to be heading out to Botswana this Thursday for a semester abroad and probably won't be posting much on this blog from then until I get back in mid-May. I know I haven't been posting much anyways, but a semester's worth of school work can do that to you.

What I do plan on doing is writing "letters from abroad" and emailing them to my friends and family. This seems like a popular form of communication, and I'll post them on here as well. If you want to be included on this email list, let me know at raderstr@grinnell.edu. I'll have periodic access to email if you want to contact me for any reason, but other than that, I have no idea about other forms of communication.

So, have a good four months and happy new year!

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